Introduction Task



#Detailed task management
#My task list

#Detailed task management #My task list

How you can make the most out of Task


여기에 제목을 추가하세요

Check out our Task features

Send messages as tasks Designate assignee Deadline setting File attachment Share in message room

Send messages as tasks
Send messages as tasks on spot
Press the work request message to send as tasks

Designate assignee
Easy work requests
Simply select an assignee
to send work requests

Deadline setting
Detailed business schedule management
Set deadlines and receive reminder notifications

File attachment
Reference at a glance
Attach images and documents as reference for work

Share in message room
Transparent work progress
Select a message room
to share your work progress.

Send messages as tasks
Send messages as tasks

Press the work request message
to send as tasks

Designate assignee
Easy work requests

Designate a colleague as an assignee
and send task notifications

Deadline setting
Detailed business schedule management

Set deadlines
and receive reminder notifications

File attachment
Reference at a glance

Attach images and documents
as reference for work

Share in message room
Transparent work progress

Select a message room
to share your work progress.

Ways to better your Task experience

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