Message notices

If you need to make an announcement to all members in the conversation, you can pin the message as a notice at the top of the message room.

Any member of the message room can post or remove notices. When you select a notice, the message room will scroll to show the original message.

However, the notification function is not available in some message rooms, such as message rooms with LINE users or Bot message rooms.

Register a notice

Any member of the message room can register not only their own messages but also others' messages as notices.


  1.  Long press the message you want to register as a notice.
  2.  Tap 'Notice'.

PC Web

  1.  Right-click the message to register as a notice.
    Alternatively, hover the mouse next to the message and then click .
  2.  Click 'Notice'.

PC App

  1.  Right-click the message to register as a notice.
    Alternatively, hover the mouse next to the message and then click .
  2.  Click 'Notice'.

Remove a notice

Any member of the message room can remove a notice registered in the message room.


  1.  Tap in the notice section to expand.
  2.  Tap of the notice you want to remove.
  3.  Tap 'Remove Notice'.

PC Web

  1.  Click in the notice section to expand.
  2.  Click of the notice you want to remove.
  3.  Click 'Remove Notice'.

PC App

  1.  Click in the notice section to expand.
  2.  Click of the notice you want to remove.
  3.  Click 'Remove Notice'.

Check notices

You can view up to 5 notices, displayed in the order they were most recently posted. Notices that have been pushed out will no longer be visible.

Selecting a notice will scroll the message room to display the original message.

However, if the previous conversation is outside the shared range and the original message cannot be accessed, the message 'Message not found.' will appear.

Manage notices

Each member can manage their own notices and the collapsed/expanded states in the notice section.

Don't show again

You can set not to show the notice again.


  1.  Tap in the notice section to expand.
  2.  Tap of the notice you don't want to see again.
  3.  Tap 'Don't Show Again'.

PC Web

  1.  Click in the notice section to expand.
  2.  Click of the notice you don't want to see again.
  3.  Click 'Don't Show Again'.

PC App

  1.  Click in the notice section to expand.
  2.  Click of the notice you don't want to see again.
  3.  Click 'Don't show again'.

Alternatively, you can tap 'Don't Show Again' at the bottom of the notice window to prevent the entire notice from being shown again.

Collapse/Expand notices

By default, only 1 latest notice is displayed at the top of the message room.

You can expand the notice section to see more notices, or you can collapse them at the top right of the message room.


  1.  In the notice section under default view, tap to expand.
  2.  Tap 'Hide' at the bottom of the notice section to collapse.
  3.  Tap to expand again.
  4.  Tap at the bottom right of the notice section to return to the notice section in the default view.

PC Web

  1.  In the notice section under default view, click to expand.
  2.  Click 'Hide' at the bottom of the notice section to collapse.
  3.  Click in the collapsed state to expand again.
  4.  Click at the bottom right of the notice section to return to the notice section in the default view.

PC App

  1.  In the notice section under default view, click to expand.
  2.  Click 'Hide' at the bottom of the notice section to collapse.
  3.  Click in the collapsed state to expand again.
  4.  Click at the bottom right of the notice section to return to the notice section in the default view.
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