Sample file guidelines to add/edit members in bulk

Same with adding an individual member, you can choose among automatic generation, registration by the administrator, and member registration for temporary passwords to add members in bulk. Download the sample file for the password generation option you selected.

In the downloaded file, you can check the member information fields and its sample data to be updated when adding members in bulk. The types of member information to be updated are displayed in the first row. You can register up to 100 people at once. The bulk is limited to 100 people at once for smooth data upload. Please make sure to divide into 100 people for one go when necessary.

The following are the required fields for each password generation option. The names of each required field in the file are highlighted in red.

  • Automatic generation: Last Name, First Name, ID, External Key (if SSO is in use)
  • Registration by admin: Last Name, First Name, ID, Password, External Key (if SSO is in use)
  • Member registration: Last Name, First Name, ID, Personal mail address, External Key (if SSO is in use)

Required fields must be entered to add members. Other remaining fields are optional and only have to follow the rules for each entry field if you choose to fill them.

Details regarding required entry fields can be set in  'Admin > Field Management'.

Rules for each entry field

- Last Name/First Name

Define the member's first and last name. You can enter up to 80 characters for your first and last name. The following special characters are allowed: ! @ & ( ) – _ + [ ] { } , . / Both first and last name are required fields.

- ID

Define the member's ID. If you are a NAVER WORKS Core Standard or Standard Plus plan user, you can send and receive emails with this ID in the NAVER WORKS Mail service. ID is a required field that must be entered. You cannot choose an ID already in use and must follow the rules below when entering.

  • ID can include 2~40 characters of English letters (lowercase), numbers (0~9), dots (.), hyphens (-), and underscores (_)
  • The first character of an ID must be English letters (lowercase) or numbers
  • Dots (.) cannot be the first and last character of an ID. Also, you cannot use dots side by side(..)

- Password

If the registration by admin is the selected option, the password entry field is displayed. The default password setting allows from 8 to 20 characters of English letters, numbers, and special characters. Customized password setting for the number and usable characters is available in 'Admin > Security > Account Security > Password Management'. Passwords are sensitive information and require special care.

- Personal email

If the member registration is the selected option, personal email addresses are needed to send the NAVER WORKS invitation email that directs members to enter their password. If the automatic generation or the registration by admin are the selected option, the entry field is optional. Personal emails must be entered in the 'ID@Domain' form and must follow SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol).

* SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) as of May 2020: The local part allows up to 40 characters of lowercase English letters, numbers, periods (.), hyphens (-), underscores (_), and exclamation marks (!). Also, up to 255 characters including the domain can be entered.

- External Key

When using SSO, an external key is available to let you sign in with the ID/PW used in the company. NAVER WORKS member information for each company account must be synced, and External Key is the identification information used during this time. The existing company account and NAVER WORKS member information are mapped based on the defined External Key. Therefore, you can sign in with the existing company account to use NAVER WORKS. Each External Key must be unique and cannot include % and \ special characters.

- Secondary email

The NAVER WORKS Core Standard or Standard Plus plan provides a secondary email function. If an additional business email address is needed, you can add up to 10 secondary emails per person. You can choose the added secondary email as an ID connected to LINE/NAVER WORKS. The same rules for the ID entry field apply.

- Nickname

Nickname to display on the profile. You can enter up to 100 characters and can include ! @ & ( ) – _ + [ ] { } , . / special characters.

- User type

Enter one of the user types defined in the 'Member > Position/Level/User Type' menu. If the user type is turned OFF (disabled) in the 'Position/Level/User Type' menu, it will not be displayed in the preview. Also, the user type entered in the file will not be applied.

- Level

Enter one of the job levels defined in the 'Member > Position/Level/User Type' menu. If the job level is turned OFF (disabled) in the 'Position/Level/User Type' menu, it will not be displayed in the preview. Also, the job level entered in the file will not be applied.

- Organization

Define the member's primary organization. Organization names must be entered in order, starting from 1depth to know the exact position of the organization. For example, if you want to select a 3depth organization as the primary organization, separate each organization name with '|' and enter '1depth organization name|2depth organization name|3depth organization name'.

- Position

Enter one of the job positions defined in the 'Member > Position/Level/User Type' menu. When adding in bulk, only the position of the primary organization will be updated. If the job position is turned OFF (disabled) in the 'Position/Level/User Type' menu, it will not be displayed in the preview. Also, the job position entered in the file will not be applied.

- Company main phone number

Define the phone number used by your company. You can enter up to 100 characters by combining numbers and -, *, #, +, P, T.

- Mobile phone/Country code

Select the country code for the member's mobile phone. Country code must have '+' in front of the number. For example, '+82' is the country code of Korea.

- Mobile phone/Numbers

The entry field of a member's mobile phone number can take up to 100 characters without counting country code. You can make a combination with numbers and -, *, #, +, P, T. Make sure to enter the correct mobile phone number in case you forget your account information. After a mobile phone verification, ID and password information is sent to the number when requested.

- Language used

Define the language that members mainly use.  You can select one of five languages (Korean, Japanese, English, Chinese (Simplified), and Chinese (Traditional)) provided by NAVER WORKS. When a member first signs in, all NAVER WORKS services will be in the language of your choice. Please enter one from the following: Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese (Simplified), or Chinese (Traditional).

- Work place

The information on where a member works and can enter up to 100 characters.

- Responsibilities

The primary roles and responsibilities of a member and can enter up to 100 characters.

- Messenger/SNS

You can submit messenger/SNS information that members mainly use. The default service names include LINE, Facebook, and Twitter. If you enter other service names, it shows up as 'Input directly'.

- Messenger·SNS/ID

The ID used for the messenger/SNS, and you can enter up to 100 characters.

- Entry date

Enter the first day of work as numbers in the order of 'YYYYMMDD'.

- Employee number

The member's employee number information and can enter up to 20 characters.

- Account activation date

Enter the date to activate an account as a number in the 'YYYYMMDD' format. If the activation date is in the past or today, the account will be activated immediately. For the activation date in the future, the account will be activated on that date.

Edit members in bulk/Sample file guidelines

You can edit up to 100 members at once with the edit members in batch function. Download and change the member information of the organization that has members you want to edit in bulk.

The ID in the file is the information that identifies the members you want to edit and thus cannot be changed. First and last names are the required fields. For the parts with no change, the existing information must be in place. Existing information will be deleted when there are blanks in place of the existing member information in the file.

Rules for each entry field

- Last Name/First Name

You can enter up to 80 characters for your first and last name. The following special characters are allowed: ! @ & ( ) – _ + [ ] { } , . /. Both first and last name are required fields.

- Personal email address

Personal emails must be entered in the 'ID@Domain' form and must follow SMTP. In case you forget your ID and password, submit your personal email to receive them after the personal email verification process. The Supreme admins must enter their personal email addresses as they can receive system emails from NAVER WORKS in personal emails.

* SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) as of May 2020: The local part allows up to 40 characters of lowercase English letters, numbers, periods (.), hyphens (-), underscores (_), and exclamation marks (!). Also, up to 255 characters including the domain can be entered.

- External Key

When using SSO, an external key is available to let you sign in with the ID/PW used in the company. NAVER WORKS member information for each company account must be synced, and External Key is the identification information used during this time. The existing company account and NAVER WORKS member information are mapped based on the defined External Key. Therefore, you can sign in with the existing company account to use NAVER WORKS. Each External Key must be unique and cannot include % and \ special characters.

- Secondary email

The NAVER WORKS Core Standard or Standard Plus plan provides a secondary email function. If an additional business email address is needed, you can add up to 10 by separating them with a semicolon (;). You cannot edit or delete a secondary email synced to NAVER WORKS or a LINE Message function. Therefore, please enter the secondary email address you are using as the message ID.

- Nickname

Nickname information to display on the profile. You can enter up to 100 characters and can include ! @ & ( ) – _ + [ ] { } , . / special characters.

- User type

Enter one of the user types defined in the 'Member > Position/Level/User Type' menu. If the user type is turned OFF (disabled) in the 'Position/Level/User Type' menu, it will not be displayed in the preview. Also, the user type entered in the file will not be applied.

- Level

Enter one of the job levels defined in the 'Member > Position/Level/User Type' menu. If the job level is turned OFF (disabled) in the 'Position/Level/User Type' menu, it will not be displayed in the preview. Also, the job level entered in the file will not be applied.

- Organization

Only edits the member's primary organization. Organization names must be entered in order, starting from 1depth to know the exact position of the organization. For example, if you want to select a 3depth organization as the primary organization, separate each organization name with '|' and enter '1depth organization name|2depth organization name|3depth organization name'.

- Position

Enter one of the job positions defined in the 'Member > Position/Level/User Type' menu.When adding in bulk, only the position of the primary organization will be updated. If the job position is turned OFF (disabled) in the 'Position/Level/User Type' menu, it will not be displayed in the preview. Also, the job position entered in the file will not be applied.

- Company main phone number

Define the phone number used by your company. You can enter up to 100 characters by combining numbers and -, *, #, +, P, T.

- Mobile phone/Country code

Select the country code for the member's mobile phone. Country code must have '+' in front of the number. For example, '+82' is the country code of Korea.

- Mobile phone/Numbers

The entry field of a member's mobile phone number can take up to 100 characters without counting country code. You can make a combination with numbers and -, *, #, +, P, T. Make sure to enter the correct mobile phone number in case you forget your account information. After a mobile phone verification, ID and password information is sent to the number when requested.

- Language used

Define the language that members mainly use. You can select one of five languages (Korean, Japanese, English, Chinese (Simplified), and Chinese (Traditional)) provided by NAVER WORKS. When a member first signs in, all NAVER WORKS services will be in the language of your choice. Please enter one from the following: Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese (Simplified), or Chinese (Traditional).

- Work place

The information on where a member works and can enter up to 100 characters.

- Responsibilities

The primary roles and responsibilities of a member and can enter up to 100 characters.

- Messenger/SNS

The default service names include the most commonly used LINE, Facebook, and Twitter. If you enter other service names, it shows up as 'Input directly'.

- Messenger·SNS/ID

The ID used for the messenger/SNS service, and you can enter up to 100 characters.

- Birthday/ Solar Lunar

For the solar birthday, select 'Solar', and 'Lunar' for the lunar birthday.

- Birthday/Birth date

Enter the birth date as numbers in the order of 'YYYYMMDD'.

- Entry date

Enter the first day of work as numbers in the order of 'YYYYMMDD'.

- Employee number

The member's employee number information and can enter up to 20 characters.

- Account activation date

Enter the date to activate an account as a number in the 'YYYYMMDD' format. Only accounts that have not been activated can have the date changed.

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