Calendar general settings

This feature is available after applying for NAVER WORKS Core.

You can change the general settings of the Calendar service.

Event time display

Set defaults for the times that appear in the personal daily and weekly schedules of newly added members' calendars. Changes are not saved for existing members.

  1. In the left menu of Admin, select 'Service' to expand the menu, then click 'Calendar' to go to 'Calendar'. On mobile, tap to open the menu.
  2. Select the 'General ' tab.
  3. Press right to 'Show events between'.
  4. Set the display start time and end time.
  5. Press 'Save' at the top right to save changes.

Resource reservation

Set whether to use resource reservation. The function allows members to reserve resources when creating an event.

  1. In the left menu of Admin, select 'Service' to expand the menu, then click 'Calendar' to go to 'Calendar'. On mobile, tap to open the menu.
  2. Select the 'General ' tab.
  3. Press right to 'Resource'.
  4. Enable 'Resource'.
  5. Press 'Save' at the top right to save changes.

Company calendars

Select whether to use the company calendar. A company calendar is created by the administrator, who is the only person allowed to add events, while all members can view the calendar. The name of the company calendar is the name of the company and organization that you entered in Company Information.

  1. In the left menu of Admin, select 'Service' to expand the menu, then click 'Calendar' to go to 'Calendar'. On mobile, tap to open the menu.
  2. Select the 'General ' tab.
  3. Press right to 'Company calendar '.
  4. Enable 'Company calendar '.
  5. Press 'Save' at the top right to save changes.

View member schedules

Set whether to view other members’ schedule. This function allows members to view other members' schedules.

  1. In the left menu of Admin, select 'Service' to expand the menu, then click 'Calendar' to go to 'Calendar'. On mobile, tap to open the menu.
  2. Select the 'General ' tab.
  3. Press right to 'View others' events'.
  4. Enable 'View others' events'.
  5. Press 'Save' at the top right to save changes.

Set visibility for the member calendar view

Available when the 'View others' events' function is in use. You can set the scope of information to display in other members' schedules.

  1. In the left menu of Admin, select 'Service' to expand the menu, then click 'Calendar' to go to 'Calendar'. On mobile, tap to open the menu.
  2. Select the 'General ' tab.
  3. Press right to 'View others' events'.
  4. Select the display scope in 'When viewed by internal members (same domain)'.
    • View event details: Display date/time and details such as the title and location of the event.
      • Manage Exceptions: Select members or teams to not display the event details.
    • View event date/time only: Only display date/time on other members' calendar.
  5. Press 'Save' at the top right to save changes.

Export events

You can export and back up events in the calendar by using the 'Export events' function.

You can back up events with the export function.

  1. In the left menu of Admin, select 'Service' to expand the menu, then click 'Calendar' to go to 'Calendar'. On mobile, tap to open the menu.
  2. Select the 'General ' tab.
  3. Press right to 'Export events'.
  4. Enable 'Export events'.
  5. Press 'Save' at the top right to save changes.

Share externally

'External sharing' allows you to share your calendar with external NAVER WORKS users' calendars or third-party calendar services.

  1. In the left menu of Admin, select 'Service' to expand the menu, then click 'Calendar' to go to 'Calendar'. On mobile, tap to open the menu.
  2. Select the 'General ' tab.
  3. Press right to 'External sharing'.
  4. Enable 'External sharing'.
  5. Press 'Save' at the top right.
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