Send emails

You can forward, resend the emails you sent, or reply individually to all to an email.
However, emails set to 'Disable forwarding' cannot be forwarded to other people.



  1. Open an email, tap at the top and then 'Forward'. Alternatively, tap 'Forward' at the bottom.
  2. Enter the recipient's name.
  3. You can further edit the email or attach files if necessary.
  4. Tap 'Send' to forward the email.

PC Web

  1. Click at the top.
  2. Click 'Mail'.
  3. Open an email, and click 'Forward'.
  4. Enter the recipient's name.
  5. You can further edit the email or attach files if necessary.
  6. Click 'Send' to forward the mail.



  1. Open an email, tap at the top and then 'Reply'. Alternatively, tap 'Reply' at the bottom.
  2. You can further edit the email or attach files if necessary.
  3. Tap 'Send'.

PC Web

  1. Click at the top.
  2. Click 'Mail'.
  3. Open an email, and click 'Reply'.
  4. You can further edit the email or attach files if necessary.
  5. Click 'Send'.

Reply all


  1. Open an email, tap at the top and then 'Reply All'. Alternatively, tap 'Reply All' at the bottom.
  2. You can further edit the email or attach files if necessary.
  3. Tap 'Send'.

PC Web

  1. Click at the top.
  2. Click 'Mail'.
  3. Open an email, and click 'Reply All'.
  4. You can further edit the email or attach files if necessary.
  5. Click 'Send'.

Send again

You can compose a new email with the same content as the email you have already sent.


  1. Open an email in Sent. Then tap at the top and then 'Resend'. Alternatively, tap 'Resend' at the bottom.
  2. You can further edit the email and recipients or attach files if necessary.
  3. Tap 'Send'.

PC Web

  1. Click at the top.
  2. Click 'Mail'.
  3. Click 'Sent'.
  4. Open the email and click 'Resend'.
  5. You can further edit the email and recipients or attach files if necessary.
  6. Click 'Send'.
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