Set up task notifications

You can set task notifications. The following are the notifications you can set.

  • Assigned/Completed/Edited task notification
  • Reminders for My Incomplete Tasks

Notifications for task assignments, completions, and changes

You can choose to receive notifications for task assignments, completions, and changes.

  • Task created/Task allocated: When designated as the assigner or assignee of a task, the assigner will receive a 'Task created' notification and the assignee will receive a 'Task allocated' notification.
  • Task edited: When the title, assigner, assignee, or deadline is changed, or attachments are added/deleted, a notification is sent to the assigner and assignee.
  • Task completed/Task incompleted: When task is complete or incomplete, a notification is sent to the assigner and assignee.
  • Task automatically completed/Task automatically set to incomplete: When a task is automatically completed or changed to incomplete, a notification is sent to the assigner and assignee.
  • Task deleted: When a task is deleted, a notification is sent to the assigner and assignee.


  1. Tap 'Home' at the bottom.
  2. Tap at the top right.
  3. Tap 'Notification Settings'.
  4. Tap 'Notifications by Service'.
  5. Tap 'Task'.
  6. Enable or disable 'Assigned/Completed/Edited task notification'.


PC Web

  1. Click at the top right.
  2. Click 'Task' under 'Notifications by Service' from the menu.
  3. Enable or disable 'Assigned/Completed/Edited task notification'.


Enable or disable reminders

You can set whether to receive reminders for tasks.

If you set up reminders, the assignee will receive a notification for incomplete tasks among 'Assigned to Me' one day before the due date or at 9 AM on the due date itself.


  1. Tap 'Home' at the bottom
  2. Tap at the top right.
  3. Tap 'Notification Settings'.
  4. Tap 'Notifications by Service'.
  5. Tap 'Task'.
  6. Enable or disable 'Reminders for My Incomplete Tasks'.

PC Web


  1. Click at the top right.
  2. Click 'Task' under 'Notifications by Service' from the menu.
  3. Enable or disable 'Reminders for My Incomplete Tasks'.


Reminder notification time settings

You can set when to receive reminders.

You can select the reminder reception time between 'One day before the deadline (9am)' and 'On the day of the deadline (9am)'. The default is 'One day before the deadline (9am)'.


  1. Tap 'Home' at the bottom
  2. Tap at the top right.
  3. Tap 'Notification Settings'.
  4. Tap 'Notifications by Service'.
  5. Tap 'Task'.
  6. Enable 'Reminders for My Incomplete Tasks'.
  7. Tap 'Time' under 'Reminder Time' and set the reminder reception time.

PC Web

  1. Click at the top right.
  2. Click 'Task' under 'Notifications by Service' from the menu.
  3. Enable 'Reminders for My Incomplete Tasks'.
  4. 'Notification Hours' Set the reminder reception time.
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