What is Task?

NAVER WORKS Task enables you manage not only your personal tasks but also shared tasks with members of a message room. You can set deadlines and assign tasks to team members, ensuring efficient management and avoiding missed tasks.

Task types

The task can be classified into two types: My Task and Message Room Task. You can find the tasks you are responsible for or requested in My Task and tasks shared within a message room in Message Room Task.

What can you do with Task?

# Create tasks

Create tasks with detailed information: descriptions, deadlines, assigner, and assignee. You can also attach relevant files to each task.

# Add messages as a tasks

In the message room, add messages as a task on the spot to keep track of fast-flowing work conversations. With the messages from the message room attached in the task, you can check and understand task context and details up to speed.

# Designate tasks to multiple assignees

Manage tasks thoroughly by designating multiple assignees to one task. You can also set the completion condition to require one or all assignees to complete the task.

# Manage your tasks

You can check and edit the assigned tasks. Manage tasks by marking the tasks of completed tasks as 'Complete' and marking unfinished tasks as 'Incomplete'.

# Manage entire tasks

Check the progress of tasks assigned to you or requested from colleagues at a glance. You can organize tasks by category or sort your task list based on priority or deadline.

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