Add, edit, delete apps

Apps is a space that gathers external solutions that can be integrated with NAVER WORKS.

In Apps, you can integrate various external solutions that enhance work efficiency with NAVER WORKS, allowing you to consolidate all tasks or streamline work processes.

Add an app

Administrators can add apps to NAVER WORKS, enabling members to use them.

On the app details page, the app is displayed in 3 different states.

Add This is the state before the administrator adds the app; it must be added for it to be available.
Unavailable Not available since it is not compatible with the product in use.
Manage This app has already been added by the administrator.

Of these, you can only add apps that are in the 'Add' state.

  1. In the left menu of Admin, select 'Apps'.On mobile, tap to open the menu.
  2. Find the app you want to add in NAVER WORKS and press it to access the 'Details Page'.
  3. Press 'Add' on the app details page.
  4. On the add app screen, review the app's access permissions, agree to the terms of service, and then press 'Next'.
  5. Select the members to use the app.
  6. Press 'Save' and the selected members will be able to use the app in NAVER WORKS.


Change app users

Administrators can edit the user list of the added apps.

  1. In the left menu of Admin, select 'Apps'.On mobile, tap to open the menu.
  2. Find and press the app you want to edit users to access the 'Details Page'.
  3. On the Details page, press 'Manage'.
  4. Add or remove members who use the app in 'Select members'.
  5. Press 'Save' at the bottom to change the list of members who use the app.


Delete an app

Administrators can delete added apps from Apps.

If you delete the app, members can no longer use the app on NAVER WORKS.

  1. In the left menu of Admin, select 'Apps'.On mobile, tap to open the menu.
  2. Find and press the app you want to delete to access the 'Details page'.
  3. On the Details page, press 'Manage'.
  4. Press 'Remove' on the app settings page to complete.
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