How to improve your business communication skills

In a company, you have to cooperate with various people. Are you thinking about ways to improve your work efficiency? Make use of the NAVER WORKS functions below to boost your business communication efficiency and become an employee of the year.

  • Make sure everyone gets your message
  • Request a task by designating a person in charge
  • Send a message to a specific colleague in a group message room

1. Send a reminder to make sure everyone gets your message

Are you worried that your teammates have not read your post? Then send a reminder only to those who have not read the post. You can help your colleagues not miss out on important information even on busy days.

Find out how to send a reminder for the post.

2. Request a task by designating a person in charge

Use Task feature to make a business request to your colleague. You can designate a person to be in charge of each task, and keep track of the progress. It enables efficient operation as the person in charge can also perform the task without forgetting it.

Find out how to create a task.

3. Use @ mention feature to deliver a message to a specific colleague in a group message room

Do you want to make sure a specific colleague gets your message in a group message room? Then the mention function would be the best. Enter '@name' when sending a message and the colleague will get a notification. The name is also highlighted for easy recognition.

Find out how to mention a particular teammate.

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