How to welcome a new team member

Are you not sure what to prepare to welcome a new recruit or team member? Here is a welcome checklist to help your new team member quickly adjust to work.

  • Share the work history
  • Invite to message rooms and groups
  • Invite to events
  • Share training materials
  • Guide them how to use NAVER WORKS

1. Share the work history by disclosing the previous conversation

When a new member joins a team, you have to share the work history with the new member. Before you invite the member to the message room, make sure to turn on 'Share Chat History' so that he/she can see the previous messages and data shared so far. This will help the person grasp the work faster.

Find out more about Share Chat History.

2. Invite to message rooms and groups

If you have turned on 'Share Chat History', then it's time to invite the new team member to message rooms and groups. Give the member a grand welcome with welcoming words and stickers!

Find out how to invite a member to a General Message Room.
Find out how to invite a member to a Group Message Room.

3. Invite to events to start working together

If there are meetings or events that the new member needs to participate, invite him/her to the meetings and events or share the calendar. A new member can quickly catch up with the team's work by managing the team's schedule in Calendar while viewing other people’s events at a glance.

Find out how to invite a member to an event in Calendar.
Find out how to share an event in Calendar.

4. Share training materials in Board and Note

If there are reference materials about the company or the department, upload them to NAVER WORKS so that they can be easily found. If you save useful materials to Board or Note, you do not need to share the same materials every time a new member joins.

Find out how to upload a post in Board.
Find out how to create a post in group message room Note.

5. Guide them how to use NAVER WORKS

Share the URL to NAVER WORKS Help Center to help new members become proficient in NAVER WORKS. It contains not only detailed instructions on how to use each function, but also useful tips that the users can apply in various situations.

Find out more about NAVER WORKS Help Center.

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