Service Overview

This feature is available after applying for WORKS Attendance.

In the Attendance service, you can view and manage the clock-in/out and work status of full-time employees (‘HR > Member > Manage Employees’) and part-timers(‘HR > Part-timer > Manage Part-time Employees’), and set the standards for absences, annual leaves, special leaves, family events, and biztrips. You can also import annual leave history from an external solution that the company was using before.

To use Attendance, click 'Admin Menu' at the top right of the PC web screen, then click 'Attendance' in the pop-up window.

  • The Attendance service is provided when you are using the WORKS Attendance. It can be enabled by clicking ‘Use’ for Attendance service under the ‘Business Support Settings > Settings > Manage Service Usage’ menu.
  • The Attendance menu is only displayed to users with admin authority.
  • The menu displayed may differ, depending on the functions enabled in Attendance settings. For more information about Attendance Settings, refer to Attendance Settings.

Attendance admin scenario

The usage scenario for an attendance admin is as follows.

  1. Basic settings for Attendance service
  2. Manage Attendance Status

Please check the FAQs.

Q. What is the difference between holiday and day off?

  • Holiday and day off both refer to a day that is not set to be a workday, without legal work duty.
  • Holidays consist of weekly holidays set from the ‘Business Support Settings > Settings > Manage Company Holidays’ menu, public holidays based on the calendar by country, and days with the work type set as ‘holiday’ among the anniversaries set by the company.
    • Compensation holiday refers to switching a holiday with a workday when you have worked on a day designated as a holiday.
    • Work type for company holidays can be changed in ‘Manage Company Holidays’ menu.
  • Days off consist of weekly holidays set from the ‘Manage Company Holidays’ menu, as well as days with the work type set as ‘holiday’ among the anniversaries set by the company.
    • Work type for company holidays can be changed in Manage Company Holidays menu.
    • If the company does not use the Attendance service, then employees don't work on holidays and days off, and the annual leave is not deducted.
  • If the company uses the Attendance service,
    • The weekly holiday/day off/workday information according to ‘Work > Manage Work Arrangement > Work Arrangement’ takes precedence for the work status of weekly holidays and days off.
    • Whether you work on public holidays based on calendar by country and anniversaries set by the company depends on the configuration you have for the ‘Don't work on public holidays and predetermined holidays’ setting under Work Arrangement. When marked, employees do not work on public holidays and predetermined holidays without annual leave deducted.

Q. How do I calculate the ‘Fixed Work Hours’ and ‘Maximum Work Hours Allowed’ based on one month of settlement period in the flexible clock-in/out work type?

  • Fixed work hours and maximum work hours allowed are calculated according to the work hours standard set by an administrator. All work hours are calculated in minutes, and decimals are rounded off. Fixed work hours are general work hours and they can be set in two different types. Applying the type 1) is in compliance with the Labor Standards Act, but the type 2) can be operated in cooperation with a labor representative.
    • Type 1) In case where standard work hours are calculated regardless of weekdays
      Fixed work hours : (Weekly work hours 60 minutes / 7 days days of settlement period)Maximum work hours allowed : (Weekly maximum work hours allowed 60 minutes / 7 days days of settlement period)
    • Type 2) In case where standard work hours are calculated considering weekdays
      Fixed work hours : (Weekly work hours * 60 minutes / weekly work days * total work days per month)
      Maximum work hours allowed : (Weekly maximum work hours allowed 60 minutes / 7 days days of settlement period)
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