Space, Work Device, Vehicle

This feature is available after applying for the Reservation option.

You can view the reservation status of resources and the admin can reserve space, work device, and vehicle resources and edit or cancel reservation details on behalf of users.


The following describes how to view the meeting room reservation details.

  1. Click ‘Admin Menu’ at the top right of the PC web screen, and then click ‘Manage Reservation’ in the pop-up window.
  2. Click at the top left of the screen.
  3. Click ‘Space > Meeting Room’ from the menu.
  4. Select the date to view.
    • Today's date is displayed by default.ayed by default.
    • Click to select the date to view or click the left or right arrow to view.
  5. Select the office, location, capacity of the meeting room to view.
    • You can select a location only if the location is registered. For registration of locations, see Manage Location.
  6. The reservation status of the meeting room is shown on the timetable.
    • You can check the reservation information by hovering the cursor over or clicking the ‘Reserved’ time slot.
    • For the reservation details, click ‘View Details’.
    • Only the admin with permissions of operating reservations of the resource can edit and delete the reservation.
    • To view the reservation status of the meeting room in the calendar, after hovering the mouse cursor over the meeting room name, click .

Cancel Meeting Room Reservation

The following describes how an admin cancels a meeting room reservation.

  1. Click ‘Admin Menu’ at the top right of the PC web screen, and then click ‘Manage Reservation’ in the pop-up window.
  2. Click at the top left of the screen.
  3. Click ‘Space > Meeting Room’ from the menu.
  4. Select the date, office, location, and meeting room name to cancel the reservation for.
    • You can select a location only if the location is registered. For registration of locations, see Manage Location.
  5. Click the reservation to cancel from reservation details of the searched meeting room.
  6. Click ‘Cancel Reservation’ in the meeting room reservation information pop-up window.
    • To cancel the meeting room of a multi-reservation, click the ‘Cancel All’ or ‘Cancel Reservation’ in the reservation details pop-up. In case of Cancel All, all reservations during the entire period of the multi-reservation after today are canceled. In case of Cancel Reservation, the reservation on that date is canceled.
  7. From the pop-up, click ‘OK’.
    • Reservation is canceled.

Edit Meeting Room Reservation

The following describes how an admin edits a meeting room reservation.

  1. Click ‘Admin Menu’ at the top right of the PC web screen, and then click ‘Manage Reservation’ in the pop-up window.
  2. Click at the top left of the screen.
  3. Click ‘Space > Meeting Room’ from the menu.
  4. Select the date, office, location, and meeting room name to edit the reservation for.
    • You can select a location only if the location is registered. For registration of locations, see Manage Location.
  5. Click the reservation to edit from reservation details of the searched meeting room.
  6. Click the ‘Edit Reservation’ in the meeting room reservation information pop-up.
  7. Apply the content to be edited.
    • To change the reservation date, select a time to change to. You can't change to a date and time duplicated with other reservations of the meeting room.
    • To change the meeting room, click ‘Change Meeting Room’.
      • Select a meeting room to change in the meeting room change pop-up. If another reservation for the meeting room you want to change to exists on the same date, you can't change the meeting room.
      • Click ‘Change’.
  8. Click the ‘Edit’ in the meeting room reservation edit pop-up.
    • Reservation is edited.

Reserve Meeting Room as Admin on Behalf of Users

The following describes how an admin reserves a meeting room on behalf of a meeting requestor.

  1. Click ‘Admin Menu’ at the top right of the PC web screen, and then click ‘Manage Reservation’ in the pop-up window.
  2. Click at the top left of the screen.
  3. Click ‘Space > Meeting Room’ from the menu.
  4. Select the date you want to reserve.
    • Today's date is displayed by default.ayed by default.
    • Click to select the date to reserve or click the left or right arrow to select a desired date.
    • You can select from today up to the maximum number of dates available for reservation set by the admin.
    • You can't select the date the admin restricted the use of the resource.
  5. Select the office, location, and capacity.
    • You can select a location only if the location is registered by the admin.
    • Meeting rooms satisfying conditions are searched.
  6. From the timetable for the meeting room you want to reserve, click the time you want to reserve from the available times.
    • You can't reserve for ‘Reserved’ time slots. You can check the reservation information by hovering the cursor over the time slot.
    • You can't reserve a time that is before the current time.
    • You can't reserve for the opening hour for new reservations on the same date set to the resource or time after 23:59.
    • In case of general reservations, for a meeting room to which reservation limits are set, you can't reserve when the reservation limits set by the admin are exceeded.
  7. Enter the reservation information in the meeting room reservation pop-up.
    • In case of general reservations, enter in the ‘General Reservation’ tab by referring to Meeting Room General Reservation. In case of multi-reservations, such as the long-term reservations or recurring reservations, enter the information in the ‘Multiple Reservation’ tab by referring to Meeting Room Multi-reservation.
    • Enter a note.
      • If there is a reservation note registered by the Resource admin, it is displayed.
    • Search and select the meeting requestor.
      • If the requestor is not entered, the reservation is made in the name of the admin who makes the reservation on behalf of the user.
      • When the meeting room reservation is completed, a notification email is sent to the requestor.
    • Click ‘Reserve’.

Work Device

The following describes how to view the work device reservation details.

  1. Click ‘Admin Menu’ at the top right of the PC web screen, and then click ‘Manage Reservation’ in the pop-up window.
  2. Click at the top left of the screen.
  3. Click ‘Work Device > Laptop, Digital Device,’ or ‘Others’ from the menu.
  4. Select the date and office to view.
    • Today's date is displayed by default.ayed by default.
    • Click to select the date to view or click the left or right arrow to view.
    • You can select from today up to the maximum number of dates available for reservation set by the admin.
    • You can't select the date the admin restricted the use of the resource.
  5. Select an office.
    • Among work devices that meet the conditions, only devices you have permissions for are searched.
  6. From the timetable for the work device you want to reserve, click the time you want to reserve from the available times.
    • You can't reserve for ‘Reserved’ time slots. You can check the reservation information by hovering the cursor over the time slot.
    • To view the reservation status of the work device in the calendar, after hovering the mouse cursor over the work device name, click .

Cancel Work Device Reservation

The following describes how an admin cancels a work device reservation.

  1. Click ‘Admin Menu’ at the top right of the PC web screen, and then click ‘Manage Reservation’ in the pop-up window.
  2. Click at the top left of the screen.
  3. Click ‘Work Device > Laptop, Digital Device,’ or ‘Others’ from the menu.
  4. Select the date and office to cancel the reservation for.
  5. Click the reservation to cancel from reservation details of the searched work device.
  6. Click ‘Cancel Reservation’ in the work device reservation information pop-up.
    • To cancel the work device of a multi-reservation, click ‘Cancel All’ or ‘Cancel Reservation’ in the reservation details pop-up. In case of Cancel All, all reservations during the entire period of the multi-reservation after today are canceled. In case of Cancel Reservation, the reservation on that date is canceled.
  7. From the pop-up, click ‘OK’.
    • Reservation is canceled.

Edit Work Device Reservation

The following describes how an admin edits a work device reservation.

  1. Click ‘Admin Menu’ at the top right of the PC web screen, and then click ‘Manage Reservation’ in the pop-up window.
  2. Click at the top left of the screen.
  3. Click the device type in ‘Work Device’ from the menu.
  4. Select the date and office to edit the reservation for.
  5. Click the reservation to edit from reservation details of the searched work device.
  6. Click ‘Edit Reservation’ in the work device reservation information pop-up.
  7. Apply the content to be edited.
    • To change the reservation details, enter the details to change.
    • To change the reservation date, select a time to change to.
    • To change the work device, click ‘Change Work Device’. (The button name may be displayed differently depending on the work device type.)
      • Select the work device to change in the Change Work Device pop-up.
      • You can't change to a work device that has been already reserved.
      • Click ‘Change’.
  8. Click ‘Edit’ in the work device reservation edit pop-up.
    • Reservation is edited.

Reserve Work Device as Admin on Behalf of Users

The following describes how an admin reserves a work device on behalf of a work device requestor.

  1. Click ‘Admin Menu’ at the top right of the PC web screen, and then click ‘Manage Reservation’ in the pop-up window.
  2. Click at the top left of the screen.
  3. Click ‘Work Device > Laptop, Digital Device,’ or ‘Others’ from the menu.
  4. Select the date you want to reserve.
    • Today's date is displayed by default.ayed by default.
    • Click to select the date to reserve or click the left or right arrow to select a desired date.
    • You can select from today up to the maximum number of dates available for reservation set by the admin.
    • You can't select the date the admin restricted the use of the resource.
  5. Select an office.
    • Work devices satisfying the conditions are searched.
  6. From the timetable for the work device you want to reserve, click the time you want to reserve from the available times.
    • You can't reserve for ‘Reserved’ time slots. You can check the reservation information by hovering the cursor over the time slot.
    • You can't reserve a time that is before the current time.
    • You can't reserve for the opening hour for new reservations on the same date set to the resource or time after 23:59.
    • In case of general reservations, for work device to which reservation limits are set, you can't reserve when the reservation limits set by the admin are exceeded.
  7. Enter the reservation information in the work device reservation pop-up.
    • In case of general reservations, enter in the ‘General Reservation’ tab by referring to Work Device General Reservation. In case of multi-reservations, such as the long-term reservations or recurring reservations, enter the information in the ‘Multiple Reservation’ tab by referring to Work Device Multi-reservation.
    • Enter a note.
      • If there is a reservation note registered by the Resource admin, it is displayed.
    • Search and select a reservation requestor.
    • Click ‘Reserve’.


The following describes how to view the vehicle reservation details.

  1. Click ‘Admin Menu’ at the top right of the PC web screen, and then click ‘Manage Reservation’ in the pop-up window.
  2. Click at the top left of the screen.
  3. Click ‘Vehicle > Work Vehicle’ from the menu.
  4. Select the date and office to view.
    • Today's date is displayed by default.ayed by default.
    • Click to select the date to view or click the left or right arrow to view.
  5. The reservation status of the vehicle is shown on the timetable.
    • You can check the reservation information by hovering the cursor over or clicking the ‘Reserved’ time slot. For the reservation details, click ‘View Details’ in the meeting room reservation information pop-up.
    • To view the reservation status of the vehicle in the calendar, after hovering the mouse cursor over the vehicle name, click .

Cancel Vehicle Reservation

The following describes how an admin cancels a vehicle reservation.

  1. Click ‘Admin Menu’ at the top right of the PC web screen, and then click ‘Manage Reservation’ in the pop-up window.
  2. Click at the top left of the screen.
  3. Click ‘Vehicle > Work Vehicle’ from the menu.
  4. Select the date and office to cancel the reservation for.
  5. Click the reservation to cancel from reservation details of the searched vehicle.
  6. Click ‘Cancel Reservation’ in the vehicle reservation information pop-up.
  7. From the pop-up, click ‘OK’.
    • Reservation is canceled.

Edit Vehicle Reservation

The following describes how an admin edits a vehicle reservation.

  1. Click ‘Admin Menu’ at the top right of the PC web screen, and then click ‘Manage Reservation’ in the pop-up window.
  2. Click at the top left of the screen.
  3. Click ‘Vehicle > Work Vehicle’ from the menu.
  4. Select the date and office to edit the reservation for.
  5. Click the reservation to edit from reservation details of the searched vehicle.
  6. Click ‘Edit Reservation’ in the vehicle reservation information pop-up.
  7. Apply the content to be edited.
    • To change the reservation date, select a time to change to.
    • Click ‘Change’.
  8. Click ‘Edit’ in the vehicle reservation edit pop-up.
    • Reservation is edited.

Reserve Vehicle as Admin on Behalf of Users

The following describes how an admin reserves a vehicle on behalf of a vehicle reservation requestor.

  1. Click ‘Admin Menu’ at the top right of the PC web screen, and then click ‘Manage Reservation’ in the pop-up window.
  2. Click at the top left of the screen.
  3. Click ‘Vehicle > Work Vehicle’ from the menu.
  4. Select the date you want to reserve.
    • Today's date is displayed by default.ayed by default.
    • Click to select the date to reserve or click the left or right arrow to select a desired date.
    • You can select from today up to the maximum number of dates available for reservation set by the admin.
    • You can't select the date the admin restricted the use of the resource.
  5. Select an office.
    • Vehicles satisfying conditions are searched.
  6. From the timetable for the vehicle you want to reserve, click the time you want to reserve from the available times.
    • You can't reserve for ‘Reserved’ time slots. You can check the reservation information by hovering the cursor over the time slot.
    • You can't reserve a time that is before the current time.
    • You can't reserve for the opening hour for new reservations on the same date set to the resource or time after 23:59.
    • For a vehicle to which reservation limits are set, you can't reserve when the reservation limits set by the admin are exceeded.
  7. Enter the reservation information in the vehicle reservation pop-up.
    • Enter in the ‘General Reservation’ tab by referring to Reserve Vehicle.
    • Enter a note.
      • If there is a reservation note registered by the Resource admin, it is displayed.
    • Search and select a reservation requestor.
    • Click ‘Reserve’.
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