Service Overview

This feature is available after applying for WORKS Approval.

In Business Support Settings, you can access and manage Basic Settings items.

To use the Business Support Settings, click 'Admin Menu' in the upper right corner of the PC web screen, then click 'Business Support Settings' in the pop-up window.

The Business Support Settings is only displayed to the users with permissions.

Business Support Settings Scenario

The usage scenario for a Business Support Settings is as follows.

  1. Manage company information, business place, and vendors
  2. Setting Business Support usage environment
    • Set permissions to access Support
    • Set service usage status
    • Set external solution integration
    • Manage home screen and add fixed link menu
    • Register, edit, delete company holidays
    • User Guide pages for this step
  3. Viewing audit logs
    • View performed task logs of users and admins
    • User Guide pages for this step
  4. Checking Business Support usage and backing up

Please Check FAQs.

Q. Why do I need to set basic information when using Business Support?

  • Business Support is a system that generates, accumulates, and shares company information at the same time. Thus, it is necessary to set up the standard for each service based on subscribed services to decide how to store information and what information to be stored before storing the information.

Q. What needs to be changed if we changed the company name?

  • Edit the item in each menu that contains the company name information
  • Edit the company name and company logo in Admin.
  • The company admins cannot make direct changes to the access URL. Instead, they can contact Support for assistance.

Q. I want to set the company's anniversary, which repeats every year, as a company holiday.

  • See Add Company Holiday.
  • When using the Attendance service, holidays set in Manage Company Holidays are ignored. If the work arrangement is set in the ‘Attendance > Work > Set Work Arrangement’ menu, then they are determined by the type of each weekday (holiday/day off/workday) in the work hour item.

Q. Can I use two or more languages?

  • The feature allowing you to enter values for items in multiple languages is available. First, set multi-language usage and select languages in Admin. 5 languages are supported: Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional).
  • Users can select the language to be displayed on their page from among the languages set by the admin. However, the default language item must be entered.
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