Viewing Closed Vendors

This feature is available after applying for the Electronic Tax Invoice option.

You can view the closed status of vendors.

The following describes how to view closed vendors.

  1. Click the ‘Admin Menu’ at the top right of the PC web screen, and then click ‘Electronic Tax Invoice’ in the pop-up window.
  2. Click at the top left of the screen.
  3. Click ‘View Closed Vendors’ from the menu.
  4. Enter the business registration number of the vendor to view.
  5. Click ‘Search’
    • The results of view closed vendors are displayed. In the case of a closed vendor, its closed date is displayed.
When an electronic tax invoice is issued to a closed vendor from the ‘Manage Issuance > New Issuance, Manage Issuance Request’ menu, a closed vendor pop-up notification is displayed.
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