Service Overview

This feature is available after applying for the Electronic Tax Invoice option.

In the Electronic Tax Invoice service, you can establish the basic settings and environment necessary for the issuance of electronic tax invoices, and perform the issuance task. You can also view the use status of electronic tax invoices and view electronic tax invoices issued by vendor or period.

To use Electronic Tax Invoice Services, click ‘Admin Menu’ at the top right of the PC Web screen, then click ‘Electronic Tax Invoice’ in the pop-up window.

  • Electronic Tax Invoice cannot be used during the free trial period for the NAVER WORKS Approval product. Please switch to a paid plan and use the Electronic Tax Invoice service.
  • You can use Electronic Tax Invoice service by setting to ‘Use’ in ‘Admin > Purchase & Billing > Usage Status’.
  • The Electronic Tax Invoice service is only displayed to the users with permissions.

Electronic Tax Invoice Admin Scenario

The usage scenario for electronic tax invoice admin is as follows.

  1. Basic settings for electronic tax invoice
  2. Electronic tax invoice issuance work
    • Create/issue electronic tax invoices to be issued
    • Issue the electronic tax invoices requested to be issued by other service.
    • Send it to the NTS and vendor manager
  3. Delivery to the accounting service after issuing electronic tax invoice (displayed only when the accounting service is used)
  4. Issue the electronic tax invoice that is requested to be issued related service (accounting, etc.) (displayed only when the relevant service is used)
  5. View use status and reports
  6. Manage business place permissions

Please Check FAQs.

Q. What kind of certificate do I need to obtain and where do I need to register for the issuance of electronic tax invoices?

  • A business certificate is required to process the issuance of corporate tax invoices. Of the business public certificates, only universal certificates and certificates for electronic tax invoices can be used as the certificates for electronic tax invoice issuance.
  • Business certificates must be registered by business registration number in ‘Business Support Settings > Company Information > Manage Business Place’ before using the Electronic Tax Invoice service.

Q. Business public certificate has been renewed. How should the certificate change be reflected?

  • After deleting the existing certificate in the ‘Manage Certificate’ tab in ‘Business Support Settings > Company Information > Manage Business Place’, you need to re-register the renewed certificate. Uncheck the relevant service before deleting the existing certificate, re-register the renewed certificate, and check the service to use the certificate again for to use the service.

Q. What happens if I unselect Electronic Tax Invoice in the ‘Business Support Settings > Manage Certificate’ menu?

  • When you unselect it, the certificate registered in SmartBill will be deleted first, and the use of the certificate will be suspended in the Electronic Tax Invoice service, disabling the issuance of electronic tax invoice to the business place.

Q. Why do I need to sign up to SmartBill and integrate the account?

  • Electronic Tax Invoice service provides tax invoice issuance and National Tax Service (NTS) submission management in partnership with SmartBill by Business Communications, Co., Ltd., which is the largest electronic tax invoice ASP company in Korea. Thus, before using the service, it must be integrated with the SmartBill account to be able to issue a tax invoice.

Q. I am an existing SmartBill member. How can I integrate with the Electronic Tax Invoice service?

  • When you integrate your account in the ‘Electronic Tax Invoice Service > Settings > SmartBill Integration Settings’ page, you can sign up or integrate immediately depending on your membership status. If you are already a SmartBill member, you can integrate after entering member information (login information).

Q. Can I change my SmartBill membership information in the Electronic Tax Invoice service?

  • The SmartBill membership details cannot be edited in Electronic Tax Invoice service. Please edit it separately on the SmartBill website.

Q. What should I do if the Business Support Settings business place information and the SmartBill business place information differs?

  • When you sign up as a new member by clicking the ‘SmartBill account integration’ button in the ‘Electronic Tax Invoice Service > Settings > SmartBill Integration Settings’ page, please check the basic business place information that you have registered in Business Support Settings first, send it to SmartBill and complete the sign up process.
    Thus, when registering as a new member, you will be registered as a SmartBill member with the same information as the business place information registered in Business Support Settings. If you are already a SmartBill member, we recommend that you manage your business place information in SmartBill and NAVER WORKS in the same way.
  • When issuing tax invoices in the Electronic Tax Invoice service, the business place information (name, business type, business item, etc.) registered in ‘Business Support Settings’ is issued.

Q. What should I do if the certificate registered in SmartBill and the one registered in Business Support Settings are different?

  • The same certificate must be registered in Business Support Settings and SmartBill to issue a tax invoice normally.
  • Even if a certificate is already registered in SmartBill, the certificate registered in Business Support Settings will be updated to SmartBill during the account integration process with NAVER WORKS Business Support.
  • When you click the ‘Register’ button in 'SmartBill Certificate Expiration Date' after integrating the account and registering the certificate on the ‘Electronic Tax Invoice Service > Settings > SmartBill Integration Settings’ page, the certificate registered in the ‘Business Support Settings’ will be automatically registered.

Q. What happens if I remove the integration of my SmartBill account from the Electronic Tax Invoice service?

  • If you unlike your account from SmartBill, you will not be able to issue a new electronic tax invoice with the business registration number in the Electronic Tax Invoice service until integrating again. However, the previously published details can be viewed.

Q. What happens if I delete my SmartBill certificate from the Electronic Tax Invoice service?

  • When you click ‘X’ in the 'SmartBill Certificate Expiration Date' column within the ‘Electronic Tax Invoice Service > Settings > SmartBill Integration Settings’ page, you can delete the certificate registered in SmartBill. If you delete the SmartBill certificate, it is impossible to issue an electronic tax invoice with the business registration number until you register again.

Q. I've requested a reverse issuance in Electronic Tax Invoice service. How can the vendor check it?

  • First of all, only if the vendor is a member of SmartBill, the vendor can view and approve the reverse issuance request.
  • For the confirmation of the vendor's request for reverse issuance, a notification email will be sent to the vendor to request issuance of an electronic tax invoice as same as the forward issuance.

Q. Can I also receive the electronic tax invoice issued by the vendor?

  • No. The Electronic Tax Invoice service does not support the receiving feature for the tax invoice issued by the vendor via SmartBill. In the Electronic Tax Invoice service, you can only view the details issued by your company only. However, as the Accounting service offers Hometax Scaping feature, so you can view the electronic tax invoice information viewed in Hometax in the ‘Accounting > Manage Receivables/Payables > Register Purchase/Sales Data Scraped from Hometax’ or ‘Accounting > Manage Tax > Search Hometax Data’ page.

Q. What is the Electronic Tax Invoice Service > Manage Accounting Submissions feature?

  • It is a menu displayed when you use the Accounting service together. It provides an integration feature by sending the forward issuance or reverse issuance data issued in the Electronic Tax Invoice service to the Accounting service to help you process it as slip.

Q. When can I check the closed status of vendors?

  • You can view it with a business registration number in the ‘Electronic Tax Invoice Service > View Closed Vendors’ menu. Also, you can check the closed status of the vendor when creating a tax invoice in the ‘Electronic Tax Invoice > Manage Issuance > New Issuance’ menu.

Q. There is no vendor to whom the tax invoice is issued. How do I register a vendor?

  • You can create tax invoices only for vendors registered in the ‘Business Support Settings > Manage Common Codes > Manage Vendor’ or ‘Accounting > Manage Standard Information > Manage Vendor’ menu. If there is no registered vendor, please check with the vendor management manager and proceed with vendor registration first.

Q. What does 'Point of Transfer for National Tax Service' and 'Delayed Issuance Unavailable' mean in the electronic tax invoice settings?

  • Point of Transfer for National Tax Service
    • The processing of electronic tax invoice is completed when its is delivered to the vendor upon issuance and the tax invoice is delivered to National Tax Service (NTS). The option is provided so that the user can set the point of submit to NTS after issuing electronic tax invoice.
    • Immediate transfer: Automatically requests to send the electronic tax invoice to NTS at the same time as issuing it.
    • Manual transfer: The user manually sends the electronic tax invoice after issuance on the NTS transfer page. However, since delayed submission to NTS poses a risk of additional taxes occurring, the items that are not sent will automatically be sent at 14:00 on the day after the issuance.
    • Reserved transfer: The electronic tax invoices issued on the day are automatically submitted to NTS at a specified time altogether. Even if you select the reserved transfer, the manual transfer is available before the reserved time on the ‘Manage NTS Submission’ page.
  • Delayed Issuance Unavailable
    • Penalties may incur for delayed issuance of electronic tax invoices. If you set Delayed Issuance Unavailable as ‘Y’, then issuing tax invoices as of a date before the current month becomes unavailable from 11th of each month onward in the ‘Electronic Tax Invoice > Manage Issuance > New Issuance’ menu.
  • If you do not need to limit the creation date in the past, please set the Delayed Issuance Unavailable to ‘N’.

Q. How can I cancel the issued electronic tax invoice?

  • If the vendor has not received it after issuance, you can Cancel Issuance in the ‘Electronic Tax Invoice > Manage Issuance > View Issuance History’ menu. However, if the vendor viewed or approved/declined receipt, or NTS submission is in progress after issuance, you cannot cancel issuance. If it is impossible to cancel the issuance, you must issue a revised tax invoice.

Q. How can I check the status of electronic tax invoice issuance and that of NTS submission? Can I check the submission result right away? How can I check the issuance status in the Accounting service?

  • You can check the issuance status and NTS submission status by issuance in the ‘Electronic Tax Invoice > Manage Issuance > View Issuance History’ menu. For cases requested for issuance by the Accounting service, you can check the issuance status of tax invoice on the Accounting service related page.

Q. The vendor is requesting for the issuance email of electronic tax invoice. Can I resend the email?

  • You can resent the email after reselecting by case in the ‘Electronic Tax Invoice Service > Manage Invoice Submission > Manage Email Submission’ menu.

Q. Should I pay the electronic tax invoice issuance fees to NAVER WORKS or to SmartBill?

  • The NAVER WORKS Electronic Tax Invoice service is charged 100 KRW/case and it is added to the total service fee and charged monthly.

Q. I want to unsubscribe from the Electronic Tax Invoice service. What should I do if I want to use it again in the future? What will happened to the past data?

  • You can set to ‘Use/Not Use’ by service in ‘Admin > Purchase & Billing > Usage Status’.
    However, you need to perform the following before setting to 'Not Use' to prevent data loss while issuing an electronic tax invoice.
    1) Cancel membership integration with SmartBill in the Electronic Tax Invoice service
    2) Uncheck Electronic Tax Invoice in the’ Business Support Settings > Manage Business Place > Manage Certificate’ tab

    • Existing data will not be deleted when setting to ‘Not Use’ and you can view the past data when you change the setting to ‘Use’.

Q. I've issued a tax invoice from NAVER WORKS Electronic Tax Invoice, but issued a modified tax invoice for that item (canceled) by separately accessing National Tax Service Hometax. Can I check the modified issuance (cancellation) history from NAVER WORKS Electronic Tax Invoice?

  • If you've issued an invoice from NAVER WORKS Electronic Tax Invoice, the modified issuance (cancellation) must be also done from NAVER WORKS Electronic Tax Invoice.
  • Separately, modified issuances (cancellations) done directly from the National Tax Service can't be updated to NAVER WORKS Electronic Tax Invoice.
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