Approval Home

This feature is available after applying for WORKS Approval.

Users can view document information they need to check, including the list of recent documents by approval status, documents pending receipt in the inbox & outbox, and returned documents. The Recently Used Forms and Favorite Forms areas allow quick finding of a desired form for creation.

The Approval Home page is laid out as follows.

Area Description
â‘  List of documents by approval status Displays the list of approval documents

  • Pending: Displays documents you need to approve(Refer to Pending Documents)
  • Scheduled: Displays documents, for which the approval line includes you and your turn has not come yet(Refer to Scheduled Documents)
  • Ongoing: Displays documents approved by you and moved to the next approver(Refer to Ongoing Documents)
  • Closed: Displays documents approved by you and moved to the next approver(Refer to Ongoing Documents)
â‘¡ List of received and sent documents
  • Pending Receipt: Displays the list of recent documents that are pending receipt in the inbox(Refer to Inbox)
  • Returned: Displays the list of recent documents that were returned in the outbox(Refer to Outbox)
â‘¢ Recently Used Forms Displays the list of forms used within the last one year.

  • Form Name: Click to go to the Compose Document page.
â‘£ Favorite Forms Displays the list of forms set as favorite.

  • Form Name: Click to go to the Compose Document page.

Approval Home for Part-Time Employees

  • The Approval Documents area (â‘ ) displays the list of all documents.
  • Inbox, Outbox, Shared Document Box, Favorite Forms, and Recent Forms areas are not provided.
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