
This feature is available after applying for WORKS Approval.

You can check the checklists that have been assigned to you. You can handle the assigned task within the specified period, and if the handler is the person in charge of the task, you can request a reminder.

‘Checklist’ is displayed only when there are checklists assigned to you. When a checklist is assigned to you, a notification email is sent to the email address registered on the employee information.

The Checklist screen is laid out as follows.

Area Screen
① Change viewing method It changes the viewing method of the checklist list.

  • It displays the checklist in card form or a list format.
② Include completed checklists Click to display completed checklists in the list
③ Checklist list It displays the checklist list.
④ Due date/Status It displays the due dates and status of checklists.

  • Completed: It refers to checklists that have been completed within the due date.
  • In Progress: It refers to checklists not yet completed but not past the due date.
  • Pending: It refers to checklists for which priority checklists have been set by the admin. These checklists can be executed after completing the priority checklists.
  • Delayed: It refers to checklists past due date and not executable.
⑤ Complete Complete the checklist with user set as Processor (Complete Checklists)
⑥ Comment The number of comments is displayed if there are comments.
⑦ Priority
  • Display any priority checklists that exist
  • Clicking displays the priority checklists.

Search Checklist Details

Click the checklist card to view details if the view type is , and click the checklist name to view details if the view type is .

The Checklist Details screen is laid out as follows.

  • The displayed items may differ according to the checklist settings configured by the admin. (Refer to Add Checklist)

Area Description
① Basic information Display basic checklist information (classification, checklist name, joined/resigned employee, processor, due date)

  • Processor: The processor for the checklist. Classification and name are displayed according to the admin's settings among joined/resigned employee/person in charge of the task/department head.
  • Due date: Due date for completing the checklist
② Additional information Show checklist’s additional information

  • Link: Click to go to the corresponding link
  • Personnel Info: Displayed if admin has enabled ‘Personnel Information’ link. Click ‘Go to HR card’ to edit your information
  • Pledge: Displayed if admin has added a pledge to sign. Click ‘Go to Pledge’ to view and sign pledge (Refer to Sign Pledge)
  • Form: Displayed if admin has added a form to approve. Click ‘Go to Create Form’ to check and create form (Refer to Create Approval Documents)
  • Attachment: Click the file name to download the file attached by the admin
  • Priority Checklist: Displays name of priority checklist if it exists. Complete the priority checklist first, then process the checklist.
③ Status Displays checklist status

  • In Progress: Checklist that is in progress before the due date
  • Completed: Checklist that is completed before the due date
  • Delayed: Checklist that cannot be executed as it was not completed before the due date
  • Pending: Checklist of which priority checklist is not completed
  • Request Reminder: The processor is the person in charge of the task, status is indicated as In Progress. Click to send a group email to the person in charge of the task.
④ Process History Displayed when the checklist is completed or the checklist was edited by the checklist admin. Click to assign, edit, request reminder and check completion history of the checklist.
⑤ Comment Click to add any questions or additional notices to be made by the person in charge of the task in the comments

  • Both checklist processor and admin can register
  • Notification emails can be sent to the checklist admin, processor, joined/retired employees assigned to the checklist, and their comments can be viewed when comment is added
  • You can only delete your own comments
⑥ Complete
  • Displayed when the handler is the joined/resigned employee and the status is In Progress
  • Click to complete the checklist (Refer to Complete Checklist)
  • Not displayed if due date has expired (Must contact the checklist admin)

Complete Checklist

The following describes how to complete a checklist.

  1. Click the icon at the top right of the PC web screen, and then click ‘My Work’ in the pop-up window.
  2. Click at the top left of the screen, and then click ‘Checklist’ from the menu.
  3. Click on the checklist to complete.
    • Click the checklist card to view details if the view type is . Click the checklist name to view details if the view type is .
  4. Check the details for the checklist.
    • Go to HR Card: Click to edit your HR information.
    • Go to Pledge: Click to view pledges that require signature.
      • To sign the pledge, click ‘Sign’.
      • To print the pledge, click ‘Print’.
    • Go to Create form: Click to see the approval forms to fill out. For more information on filling out the form, refer to Create Approval Documents.
    • Click the attachment name to download the attachment.
  5. Click ‘Complete’.
    • This completes the checklist.

If view type is , click ‘Complete’ on the checklist card to complete.

If view type is , select the checklist to complete and click ‘Complete’ to complete.

Managing Joining/Retirement

You can check and close joining/retirement checklists assigned to you.

  • The Manage Joining/Retirement menu is only displayed if you're set as the processor (person in charge of the task or department head) of the joining/retirement checklists. For more information joining/retirement checklist processor settings, refer to Joining/Retirement Checklist.
  • For more information about checklists, refer to Checklist.

The Manage Joining/Retirement screen is laid out as follows.

Area Description
① Search Window Search checklists by status, due date, joined/retired employee, processor, and checklist name.
② Checklist list A list of checklists for which you are the person in charge of the task or department head

  • If there are multiple joining/retired employee on a single checklist list, then items are displayed for each target.
  • You can click the name of the ‘ongoing’ checklist to close it. (Refer to Close Checklist)
  • Checklists in ‘Delayed’ status can't be processed, and the due date must be extended by contacting the HR admin.
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