Reservation Home

This feature is available after applying for the Reservation option.

In the Reservation Home, you can view your today's reservation status and resources set as favorites.

The Reservation Home page is laid out as follows.

Field Description
① Today's reservations Displays today's reservation status if you have reservations that day.

  • Tap ‘View More’ to view your entire reservations.
  • If there's no reservations today, tap ‘View All’ to go to your reservation list.
② Favorite resources Displays resources set as favorites in a card form.

  • Tap ‘Add Service’ to add favorite resources to Home.
  • Tap favorite resource card to go to the Reservation page.

Add Favorite Resource

The following describes how to display favorite resources in Reservation Home.

  1. On the Mobile Home's 'Service Menu', tap 'Reservation'.
  2. Tap ‘Add Service’ in Reservation Home.
  3. Set services you want to set as favorites.
    • You can only view resources for which you have permissions for.
    • To remove from favorites, deselect the favorite setting.
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